DNA-Based Zika Vaccine:
Infection Protection
Zika Causes Severe Fertility
Impairment In Mice.
Human Affect In Comparison's
Under Study.
If Similar, Zika (As Presently
Experienced,) And Ebola, Are
In Fact A Pair Of Fertility
Quite The Coincidence.
I've Only Seen Anything Like It
Before In The Movies.-v-
This Website Aims For Doctor Nurse
Patient Centrism And Cross-Org
Coop. In A Universalized, Democratized,
Medical Care System.
New 'Trojan Horse' Antibody
Strategy Shows Promise
Against All Ebola Viruses
Advance Could Also Work
Against Other Viruses
Latest CDC Ebola Summary
Sierra Leone Ebola flare-up over
for now, but more likely: WHO
Portable, Rapid DNA Test Can
Detect Ebola and Other Pathogens
Nanopore Metagenetic Analysis,
Utility Includes Where Medical
Resources And Lab Space Are Scarce.
Fits In The Palm Of The Hand--Powered
By Laptop USB Connection.
Other Pathogens Detected Include
Chikungunya And Hepatitis C Virus,
The Latter In Less Than 40 Min.,
Despite Lower Concentration Of That
Virus Vs. Others.
Le virus d’Ebola toujours présent
dans le sperme, jusqu’à neuf mois
après le début de la maladie :
EverNewEcoN @evernewecon
31m31 minutes ago
EverNewEcoN Retweeted VICE France
il servirait génocide?
Je sais que cela semble
sensationnel, mais il est tout
simplement ce qui est.
(It Would Be What You Want
If You Wanted It To Serve
Chip Based Rapid Detection Enabled
(Attributions Coming)
Holger Schmidt, UC-Santa Cruz; Also,
Texas Biomedical Res., San Antonio
Thousands Of Ebola Survivors
Are Suffering Chronic Serious Joint
Pain And Blindness Threatening Eye
The Original Link Was Broken,
Then Lost.
Here's Simple Search.
NY Times
Simple Search:
N.I.H. Ebola Complications
Mayo Clinic Ebola Complications
Ebola Vaccine's Reportedly
100% Successful
Most Ebola Genetic Changes Are Lost
Between Epidemic Waves; Ebola Isn't
Going To Spread Through The Air
Taj Azarian, Marco Salemi, Brittany Rife,
U. of Florida;
Alessandra Lo Presti, Marta Giovanetti,
Eleonora Cella, Massimo Ciccozzi,
Istituto Superiore di Sanità, Rome, Italy,
Alessia Lai, Gianguglielmo Zehender,
‘L. Sacco’ Hospital, University of Milan, Milan, Italy;
Massimo Ciccozzi also:
University Hospital Campus Bio-Medico, Italy
"WHO: The Ebola Outbreak In Liberia Is Over...
Liberia’s last case was a woman in the greater
Monrovia area who developed symptoms on 20
March and died on 27 March. The source of her
infection remains under investigation. The 332
people who may have been exposed to the
patient were identified and closely monitored. No
one developed symptoms; all have been released
from surveillance."
It's Because Gonadal Cells Are "Immune
Privileged" They're Likely An Ideal Hiding
Place For The Ebola Virus.
Evidence Exists Of Sexual Spread.
Generally Presumed By Way Of The
Same Advantage, Ebola Endured In This
Patient's Eyeballs; And, It Changed Their
Color, As Do Other Viruses Resident In Eyes.
In The Interior Only, Not On The Surface,
He's Deemed Not Contagious, As Reported
Where Linked.
Consult Med Sources Independently.
ebola virus diagnostic tool developed
disease transmission rate
vaccine advancing
early doctors' strategy
at time of entry here the home page
of UCSD Health System indicates there's
not 1 confirmed ebola case in California
their pdf on ebola
(actually highly informative)
ebola videos; these have been
mostly available for a while, and
as of this entry (1/25/2015) there
has not been -1- confirmed ebola
case in California (some new)
"an unusual virus" (new in this space)
cdc ebola page
the latest thing for doctors and
the ability to move, breathe and see
while treating your self life threatening
ebola patient
liberian newspaper is anecdotally
indicating new ebola cases have receded
WHO rep says ebola in
liberia is waning
nasal spray vaccine has potential for
long lasting protection from ebola
additional on the inhalable vaccine/
U. of Texas, providing long lasting
high populational protection from
distinguishing between hemorrhagic
fevers earlier just got easier
nurses want to know what's appropriate
protection for them--this is likely variable
by setting; they want the appropriate
risk response implemented.
this website addresses provider centrism
along with patient centrism, including
cross-organizational cooperation between
nurse and doctor committees controlling
coverage providers.
policies and procedures, and efficiencies
community-wide, should be instantaneous.
scientists are unable to
obtain ebola samples for
testing drugs/testing/diagnostics,
and for understanding mutations
a virus will be more successful where
it leaves its host alive and well enough
to be most communicative, but the
above WHO link is implying fewer cases
altogether; so, if the U.S. is still
planning on field testing a vaccine, such
as for soldiers (I would prefer seeing
leadership based in peace/democracy/
cooperation, with health prioritized, and
testing in a different manner,) they may
actually have to hurry
i've read, but don't know, defense's
field tested vaccine may be a genetic
such vaccines are taken up
in host nuclei, generally in the vicinity
of injection.
that's very different from traditional
vaccines, which use antigenic material
from pathogens so as to mimic an
attack to trick the host immune system
into building a response.
all health should be civil. i don't expect
my local police to handle health affairs.
(Boston Children's Hospital)
european public health/ebola page
as of now it's still -1- american who
has died from ebola
for him it was 100%
they're saying antimicrobial copper
surfaces (=copper surfaces) will
likely help control contamination
simple ebola search at futurity
ebola video series
ebola original vector
ebola transmission vectors
ebola symptoms
ebola treatment or prevention
slideshow -- vaccines
an outbreak facilitates mutation
worthwhile ebola article
"'assassination' of public health systems"
and ebola
what makes up an ebola "kit"
this pdf from UCSD Health System
is far more informative.
currently there's NOT 1 confirmed
California ebola patient
this reminds me of this
of course any quarantining will
require case management of
affected families
an outbreak facilitating mutation's
a two-sided coin.
1: it can mean leading vaccines
won't help everyone, obviously
(though they're bound to have
universal treatment value;) also,
of course, transmissibility could
change; but,
2: a virus will find its ultimate
numeric genetic advantage
stemming from letting its host
live, thus enabling more
transmission and reproduction--
a simple fact of the math and
events; so, that means the more
successful strains should become
progressively less lethal
3: the virus' march toward being
less lethal, owing to the
above, would coincide with ever
more perfected treatment ability.
You Can't See That
(Will Include Economic
Trick Cards)
While The Kid's Imprisoned
Instead Of Educated,
Unbalanced Transport
Means People Can't Get
From Point A To Point B
Reliably. You Know What?
I'm Not Into Polarization.
I Even Know People In
Anti-Accident Tech's
However, It's Also Plain
People Are Not Supposed
To Know It May Be More
Dangerous Driving Downtown
To Be An Alternate Juror
Than It Is To Draw On A
Privatized Policy Is Pyramidal.
(U.S.) Injuries From Car
Accidents Average In
The Millions/Annually/
Point A To B In Weather.
When Privatization Has
Already Privatized The
Profits And Socialized
(ONLY) The Cost Per
Pre-Textualization, One
Can Always Tack Onto It.
With This.
With This.
(Medicare Is National Health
Insurance For Unwanted
What's Wrong With
This Picture
Each Picture Will Import
A Whole Gaggle Of
Nutrition, But This Is
Mainly About Excessive,
Premature Risk, Where
There Should Be Absolutely
No Risk In The First Place.
That's Actually Self-Serving
Compulsive Gambling.
I Think I've Seen
That Elsewhere.
If You See An Egg Roll,
Look: Most Egg Rolls Are
Too Fine, Left Undestroyed.
People Advocating Labeling
May Care To Bookmark It.
Native Americans Were Here First.
Among America's First U.S.
Citizens Were The Mexican
Today, Most Of Them Are Unable
To Partake Of Their Familiar
Culture In Wholesome Fashion.
I Don't Know The Customs Rules
As To This.
I Do Know Mexican American
Families Have Been Alternating
Bringing Home Different Corn
Varieties, Such As Blue Corn,
Across The Border For A Very
Long Time.
Today, They Might As Well Do
That With All Corn--And Corn
Oil, Probably.
Tomato Taste Sacrificed
"Why The Red Delicious
No Longer Is"
To Me The Safety Of Serving
GMO Corn, As A Staple, Long-Term,
Is Insufficiently Established (If It
Was Ever Established.)
Some People Vote Against
Labeling Cause They're
Sucked Into The Economics.
It Lines Their Shelves.
Some People Playing Knockout
Must Feel Anti-Social Behavior
Is Good Behavior.
Some Producers Of GMO's
Might Find That Convenient.
Since They Can Always Say,
If The Crops Fail, Wait A
Minute, Here's Your Next
Seed, It All Really Comes
Down To Plain Ole
Trust Busting, The Great
American Pastime.
What If GMO's Begin Gaining
Obesogen Status But Not From
Fructose By-Products?
Now, See This In Combination
With This.
Don't Jump Off A Terrace.
They've High E-Ratio's
(Mostly Air.)
Forget The Chocolate And Vanilla
Are Typically Mostly Artificial
Actually, A Trace Of The Real
Thing's Usually Used To Perfect
The Effect.
But, Real Vanilla's More Sparingly
Used In The U.S. (vs. Mexico.)
Incidentally, Vanilla Spikes A
Chemical Mimicing Epinephrine
Fortunately For Vanilla Lovers,
Noone's Looking For Tunnels
With People Smuggling Vanilla.
Fructose Comes From GMO Corn,
Generally. But Being A Specific
Biochemical By-Product, It
Probably Escapes GMO-Specific
However, It's A Concern All
To Itself.
And Now, Would You Mind,
One More Time, Doctor?
OMG--It's Over 4 MM Hits
Now. At My First Link It
Was Barely 2 MM.
I Use This To Help Further My
Own Marijuana Rationalization
Proposal. (It Still Belongs.)
The Truth Is, Don't Let Them
Overdo It, Obviously.
These Are Mostly Degree Issues.
Risk Is Manageable Everywhere
We Look, Of Course.
There's This, Relative To
Everyone's Tastes, Impatience
With Holding The Rail Walking
Downstairs, Etc.
Changing Food's DNA By
Novel Means Combined With
Changing What's Available
To Eat Long Term, From
Cradle To Grave, Including
By Way Of De Facto Ownership
Based Control Of Key Parts
Of The Food Chain, Is The
Latest Departure From
Nature As It's Better
Humans Did Make A Fundamental
Switcheroo In Biologic History
When They Learned How To
Separate Out From Food As
Naturally Presented The Parts
They Found Tasted Best.
That's Essentially A Degree Issue.
It's Really The Changing Food
Thing That Requires Proper
Methodology Serving Proper
Democratic Process.
NEW: To Complete The
High Fructose
Corn Syrup Is
Industrial Food
(And An Outlet For
The Corn Seed
Distribution Chain.)
So It's A Cog, Or
Connection, Between
Separating Out What
People Like And GMO's
I Personally Am Mindful Of The
Medit. Diet/Ornish, Am Keyed
Into Variety And Moderation
And The Understanding Of
Stasis, Equationality, And
Systemic Cost/Benefit Trade-
Offs, And Am Really Quite Casual
And Relaxed And Partaking Of
America's Most Obvious Success
Story As To Diversity: It's Food;
Though, The Rest Of The World
Knows To Enjoy That Diversity
Too, As Any Traveler To
Its Cities Knows.
The Above Will Reappear As
Other Spaces In This Site Are
Catching Up To It, Including As
To Regulatory Process.
High-fructose diet slows
recovery from brain injury
High levels of fructose similar
to amounts consumed within
the American diet may predispose
individuals to fast-onset,
salt-sensitive hypertension,
according to new research.
The Website
Both Blood Sugar And Insulin
Response Were Increased From
Sucralose Consumption: 20%,
Insulin (Non-Health: Concern's
As To Potential, Insulin
Resistance Emerging)
Orig. Article, With
Washington U. of St. Louis
See As To Alternate Sweeteners
Link Updated To
The Host's Change Of URL
High-fructose diet during
pregnancy may harm placenta,
restrict fetal growth
Restricting Fructose Cuts Liver Fat in Kids
Substituting complex carbs for
simple sugars over just 10 days
shows meaningful results.
A High Fructose Diet
Disrupts Plasticity
Post Traumatic Brain
Injury (TBI)
HFCS/Different Metabolic
Effects From Sucrose
Most Fructose Is From
GMO Corn
The More High Fructose Corn Syrup
One Consumes The Greater The Risk For
Cardiovascular Disease They Acquire.
Restricting Fructose Cuts Liver
Fat In Kids
Sugar/High Fructose Corn Syrup,
In Concentrations Comparable To
Sugar Sweetened Beverages,
And Inflammation In Test Animals
This Site, Separately,
Makes The Comparison
As Regards Marijuana.
Scott Kanoski, Ted Hsu, Vaibhav Konanur,
Lilly Taing, Ryan Usui, Brandon Kayser,
Michael Goran, USC
Fructose/AGE's (pdf)
High Fructose Corn Syrup/
Diabetes Analysis
Dietary Fructose/LiverDamage
High Fructose Corn Syrup
Addictive Like Cocaine
How Fructose Is More
Toxic Than Table Sugar.
Female Test Animals
Experienced Reduced
Reproduction And Lifespan.
Dietary Fructose Causes
Liver Damage In Animal Model
The Carb & Fat Cyclone Diet
Identified A First In Causation Of
Insulin Resistance (The Basis Of
Diabetes) Dynamic:
Oxidative Stress And GLUT4
If Someone Says I'm Gonna GLUT4
Carbonylate You, Say Oh Yeah?
However, You'll Be Cross-Purposeylated.
Sooo, It's Far Better Off PREVENTING
Insulin Resistance.
I Rest My Case.
Ease Off The Fets & Empty Starches.
Med Diet Bundle 1
Med Diet Bundle 2
Mr. Bundles
Mass Market Candy Bars Are
Fructose From GMO's.
one to two servings of sugary drinks per days raises a person’s risk of heart disease by 35%. The same amount raises risk of type 2 diabetes by 25%, and stroke by 15%. It’s also been linked to gout, gallstones, and kidney stones.
The Only Deficiency In NY's Anti-Soda
Campaign Was Underappreciating A
Combined Visualization Of Allowing
For Democratic Structure To Be Felt
But With Process Informing (Education.)
The Stats Are Large Enough That It
Becomes Too One Sided For One Persons
With Hubris To Say Well I Like Sugary
Soda Anyway.
The Alternate Sweeteners Are Problematic.
Probably Tagatose Should Have Been
Embraced And Chaperoned To A Point Of
"'Nearly Sugar-Free' And Ultra Natural."
(This Will All In One Shot Actually Be
Completing An Earlier Started But
Neglected Space.)
See As To Alternate Sweeteners
(If Your Firewall's Unhappy With
Highlighted Pages.)
Notwithstanding Particular Anti-Oxidant
Specific Systemic Benefits, Particularly If
Some Free Radicals Are Conserved
From Otherwise Overwhelming Removal,
A Fundamental Positive, Even Life-Saving
Anti-Cancer Role, Played By Free Radicals
Is Newly Understood.
Namely, They're Saying To The Cells' Life
Control Genes: Captain: Our (Cellular) Ship
Is Out Of Control. We Have To Self-Destruct
To Save The Others. Self-Destruction
Is Apoptosis, Now Common Language
With This Site's Help.
Free Radicals Conserving Apoptotic Signaling
Triggering A Pattern Of Gene Expression
That Modulates Stress Sensitivity And Promotes
Free Radicals Can Induce Cellular Life
Extension, Particularly In The Brain, Inasmuch
As Neurons Aren't Replaced So Easily As Are
Cells Elsewhere Generally.
pdf (Study)
Callista Yee, Wen Yang, Siegfried Hekimi,
McGill U. (Que.)
Steven H. Zeisel, U. of North Carolina
Antioxidants including
vitamin E can promote lung cancer
However, SIRT, Resveratrol And Lamin-A
Bear On A Specific Genetic Mechanism.
Resveratrol's Anti-Oxidant Role In
This Regard Is Incidental.
(Multiple Links Shortly)
Antioxidants FoundDown-Regulating
p53 Based Apoptotic (Errant Cell's
Self-Death) By Reducing DNA Damage
Below Levels Detectable By The Cell's
Per Lindahl, Martin Bergo,
U. Of Gothenburg (Swe.)
Egg Yolks Almost As Bad As
Smoking When It Comes To
Newly Reported:
tumor necrosis factor (TNF)-a
and interleukin 6 (L-6)
Reduced (Good For Anti-Diabetic Value)
(Authors Note:)
Lutein, Zeaxanthin Availed
(From This Website, Where
Yolks Happen In Small Moderation,
That Natural Source For Eyes Matters,
Though Eye Doctors Have Published
Diet Books For Eye Health Generally
Sourcing L & Z, And Other Nutrients,
From Other Sources.)
Overriding, Of Interest That’s
New & Major (From Elsewhere, Recently:)
Anti-Oxidants Serve Cross-Purpose
Role (Interfere With Healthful Apoptosis
(Errant Cell Self-Death)
Popular Summary
This And The Counterproductive
Alteration Of Gut Flora By Artificial
Sweeteners (Weizmann) Are Easily
The Most Under-Appreciated Things
To Have Come To Light Lately.
(The Former's Saying At The Very
Least Mega-Doses Of Anti-Oxidants
May Let Cancers Run Away On You.
These Studies Are Also Saying
Popping Anti-Oxidants May Interfere
With Natural Tissue Rejuvenation,
Masking When It's Time To Replace
Failing Cells.
Your Gut Needs More Bacteria To
Make Serotonin-Cal Tech/Elaine Hsiao
It's Consistent With Previously
Seemingly Counter-Intuitive Results,
Such As With Beta-Carotene, Which Is
Still Used As A Food Coloring.)
The View From Here:
Hey, Don’t Sweat It.
The Occasional Yolk’s The Occasional
Positive Values, Including Natural Source
Eye Protectors. I'd Personally, Though, Still
Keep The Yolks On The Lower-Moderate Side.
The Whites Are Harmless Except
For Persons For Whom They're Harmful
(Allergic/Special Other Medical--For
Instance Some Need Lecithin Control,)
Plus Of Course They're Protein Rich.
Yolk Qty Consumption's Actually
Highly Appropriate For
Professional Tailoring Depending On
Who You Are, And This Of Course
Underscores Health Delivery Cohesion.
Beta Carotene, Particularly, In
Multiple Large, Widely Followed
Studies, Yielded Seemingly Paradoxical
Results (More, Not Less Cancer.)
What Matters Most Effectively,
Is It's Wide Use For Food Coloring
(The Yellow In Your Ready Pour
Liquid Egg Whites.)
Are As To Medical Care And Longevity.
Obviously There's A Regular Clash
Involving Not Simply Equationality
Such That Particular Nutritional
Strategies Run Up Against Diminishing
And Often Counter-Productive Returns,
But Right Off The Bat Anti-Oxidants,
Locally Helpful, Bring Underlying
Bio-med, Including From Nobel Holders
In Medicine, Have Of Late Identified
See-Saw Like Biochemical Switching
Mechanisms, And Degrees And Timing Of
Tolerance For Some Compounds Appear
To Possibly Be Reactive To Social
Interaction (Tolerating Alcohol As A Social
Adaptation Mechanism For Long Enough
To See Offspring To Independence; Then,
Perhaps It's The Case In A Yet Newer
Fashion, Not Tolerated So Much, In That
It's O.K. For A While But Counter-Productive
For Living To Much Longer Life, Which Would
Be Consistent With Having To Live And
Produce Longer To See Offspring To
Successful Independence, Including To Points
Later In Even The Offsprings' Years.
This Theory Will Garner Doubts Based
On The Number Of Generations Involved For
The Multi-Generational Effect.
Related Space As To Just That.
I'm Going To Answer This One With A
Practical Day To Day Approach To Life.
Locally, It Rarely Rains.
Occassionally The Weatherperson Indicates
There's A Small Chance Of Light Rain,
Whereupon I Repeat To Myself That Person
Has The World's Easiest Job. They're
Simply Saying:
The Forecast Is: It May Rain. It May Not Rain.
Though There My Own Response Is
Essentially That's Meaningless I'm
Essentially Just Going To Do My
Regular Routine, In The Case Of Actually
Serious Medical Conditions, It'll Be
A Little Different.
Then It's O.K. Today I Really Do Need
To Carry An Umbrella.
Prior To Then, The More Casual Response
Would Be Analogous To The Attitude
Of Just Letting Variety And Moderation
Happen. Nutrition Doesn't Count For
Nothing, And It Can Be Optimized, But
Inasmuch As Variety And Moderation
Reflects A Broad Based Wholesome Diet,
Its Large Role Is Sensible.
But Then The Site DOES Have Med Diet
And Red Meat Bundles And Spaces, And
In My Immediate Sphere I Know Some
Doctors Who Are Near-Vegetarian Or Even
Totally Vegetarian.
You Could Be A Youngster, Have
Something Medically Wrong, And
Most Generally Expect The Doctor To
Say Something Like:
We'll Just Take This One Step At A
It Works That Way For Many Reasons.
Bodies React Uniquely. They
Come In All Manner Of Health Status,
Genetics, Etc.
Doctors Don't Actually Need You To Tell
Them Drugs Are Variously A Little Bit
Poisonous To Quite Poisonous And Dangerous.
That's Actually Why Doctors Are The Ones
Who Prescribe Medicine And Give Specific
Follow-Up Instructions.
But They Can't Know Exactly What Will
Happen, In Advance, Because They're Not
So, Then, When You're 95, Quite Ready To
Enjoy Seeing The Stars At 105, It Might As
Well Be The Same Damn Line:
We'll Just Take It One Step At A Time.
How Paradoxes And Assumptions
Can Be Based On Misconceptions:
The Paradox Still Lies
Within, Undiscovered.
This Site's Suggested The French Paradox
May Be Partly Illusory, French Food
Being A Mixbag Of Styles, And With Its
Population Inevitably Going To Present At
Least Slight Variation As To Optimality.
Also, By Simply Going Beyond
High Cholesterol Based Food
As It Might Be Presented In A
Fast Food Format, They Have A Higher Consumption,
Likely, Of By-Product Dissipators.
This Is Partly About Dissipators, Of Course.
The Potential Problem
With Red Meat.
How To Mitigate It.
(Also Defines The
Essence Of What's Wrong
With Fast Food.)
Silvia Gratz, U. Of Aberdeen (Scot.)
Ethanol Per Se's In The Med Diet
Bundles. French Epidemiology Most Likely
Reflects The Good/Bad Along Indication.
I Don't Know.
There's The Point. Maybe
Find People Who Like Wine
And Really Do Have A
More High Fat-Exclusive Diet.
The Hopkins Group Says "Polyphenols"
As A Group. The Site Includes A
McGill Study As To Anti-
Oxidant Counterproductivity.
-pdf-, The Title Says It All.
Researchers discover powerful
defense against free radicals
that cause aging, disease
An errant link's getting updated with
a pool of links on point.
The publisher of another's left
the health news publishing business.
It's ALSO being updated with
a pool of links on point.
Even moderate intake of red meat
substantially increases risk of bowel cancer
Lancet Published:
Low Carb Diets Can Shorten Life
----Avoid "bleached" carbs (just
utilize whole grains, as in the case
of grains.)
----Even where whole, or where it's
about walnuts or almonds, or where it's
about GENERALLY health supportive fish,
as even some of those can be quite
high in fat content even if GENERALLY
healthful fat in that case, moderate on
A Key, Specific Method Of Operation
By Which Eating Red Meat Harms
Heart Function's Been Discovered.
--website side note:
How Many Burgerholics Berate
People On The Health Behavior?
Eating Red Meat Also Alters
Kidney Function.
...summary in process;
the choice of food scene at
shrubland hall in never say never
again was cute but this goes
beyond simply saturated fat
and nitrosamines and is important.
Just one high-fat meal sets the
perfect stage for heart disease
A single high-fat milkshake,
with a fat and calorie content
similar to some enticing restaurant
fare, can quickly transform our
healthy red blood cells into small,
spiky cells that help set the
perfect stage for cardiovascular disease
Here's The Deal Y'all:
The Potential Problem
With Red Meat.
How To Mitigate It.
(Also Defines The
Essence Of What's Wrong
With Fast Food.)
Silvia Gratz, U. Of Aberdeen (Scot.)
Moderate And Just Add Lots Of
Veggies And Explore Fish And
WHOLE Grain In Place Of Bleached.
This Is About A Simple Adjustment.
Applying A Standard Translational
Public Health Role, This Website's
Observed, A Financial MSM Guy, Said,
Fat & Salt Are In.
All In All Though Medicine Has To
Cohesively Standardize I Personally
Really Disagree.
Fat's Here. (Where You Are.
(There're Also Obesity And
Fat Metabolism Spaces.)
Salt's Here.
It's Very Specific Individually Where
Ill-Health Starts Creeping In.
Otherwise It's A Populational Time &
Place History Statistical Overlapping
Think: Eisei & Nisei. (Eisei Fare Better.)
The Fact Basis In This Space And All
Other Spaces Speaks For Itself.
You're Advised To Err On The Side
Of Not Needing Heart Intervention.
You Do Not Want To Need Roto
Rootering Of Your Heart Starting
In Your 30's. That Will Continue
For Many Years. Then You'll Find
It Difficult To Walk For Distance.
Then, You'll Die.
High dietary red meat intake
linked to common bowel
condition diverticulitis
Diets rich in fish oil versus
diets rich in lard (e.g., bacon)
produce very different bacteria
in the guts of mice, reports a
new study. The researchers
transferred these microbes
into other mice to see how
they affected health. The results
suggest that gut bacteria share
some of the responsibility for
the beneficial effects of fish oil
and the harmful effects of lard.
Red meat intake -- in this case,
mostly pork (ENEN: WAS 97%)
-- was strongly associated with
an increased risk of end-stage
renal disease, the loss of
normal kidney function.
Dose Dependent.
This Link's Removed At The
Source. The Original Study
Will Be Linking From Here For
Its Replacement.
Repairing/Replacing Link:
Girls who eat red meat often start
their periods on average five
months earlier than those who
do not, the findings showed.
"It is an important difference
because it is associated with the
risk of disease later in life,"
(--Erica Jansen (Doctoral Candidate,
U. of Michigan))
In addition to breast cancer, early
onset of puberty has been associated
with heart disease, obesity and
type II diabetes.
Disastrous Reporting!
Ready Proof Of Non-Cohesion
In The NHS AND The U.S.
As To That,
@ 16m30s Where One Doctor
Says She Has To Take Patients
Off Not Simply GMO Corn,
But ALL Corn, Because Of The
Now Broader Allergic Sensitivity,
That Runs Parallel To My Own
Concern Heading In A Different
Direction Within The Aggie Spaces:
The Accelerated Resistance To The
Host Plant Could Backfire Onto The
DONOR Plant.
She, And The Other Doctors Interviewed,
Are Palpably Frustrated From Being
Unable To Affectuate Change.
That's The Same Lack Of Cohesion
Impacting Provider-Community Centrism,
Which Is Thoroughy Lacking Too.
That Part's Obviously Somehow Lacking
In The NHS, It Must Be.
Intake of dietary fat in adolescence
associated with breast density
High Breast Density Is A Major
Risk Factor For Breast Cancer
(Except Where Something
From Earlier's Deemed
Essential For People's Awareness
And Likely Not Yet Part Of It)
In A Nutshell, Processed Meat,
Especially Processed Red Meat,
But Also Blackened, Present
Particular Health Offenders.
Red Meat Consumption Per Se
Is Now Fully Included Largely In
This Space But Also In Other
Relevant Spaces.
Negatives Have Been
Accumulating As to That.
Meat consumption raises mortality
rates, analysis of more than
1. 5 million people finds
Junk food causes similar high
blood sugar levels as
type 2 diabetes
Meat Consumption Raises
Mortality Rates: Study
Because This Site Offers
A (Potential Qty Limiting)
State Health As Minimally
Intrusive Pot Commerce
Partner, That Quantity Factor
Makes The Above Appropriate
For The Marijuana Bundles;
However, Entries Require Some
Equivalent Explanation.
"Higher red meat intake in early
adulthood might be associated with an
increased risk of breast cancer,
and women who eat more legumes
(such as peas, beans and lentils), poultry,
nuts and fish might be at
lower risk in later life...."
Nurses’ Health Study II
Maryam S Farvid,
Harvard U. Sch. Of Public Health
Certain Meat Components May
Increase Bladder Cancer Risk
Genetic Link Between Meat And
Colon Cancer Discovered
Total Red Meat Consumption Correlates
Positively With Diabetes 2 Risk (The More
Of One The More Of The Other.)
Many Investigators, All
From Medical Labs In Germany
Gene variant that raises risk for colorectal
cancer from eating processed meat present
in one-in-three people
"The risk of colorectal cancer associated with
processed meat was significantly higher among
people with the genetic variant rs4143094, the
study shows. This variant is located on the same
chromosome 10 region that includes GATA3, a
transcription factor gene previously linked to
several forms of cancer. The transcription factor
encoded by this gene normally plays a role in the
immune system, but carries this genetic variant
in about 36 percent of the population...."
Lead Authors Include
Jane Figueiredo, Ph.D., USC; Also,
Ulrike Peters, Ph.D., M.P.H, Fred Hutchinson
Cancer Res. Ctr Public Health Sci. Div.
Researchers Found Particular Correlation
With Processed Vs. Unprocessed.
Moreover, A Likely Method Of Operation
May Include Chromosome 8, Interaction
Found At Variant rs1269486.
Fast Food Consumption Linked To
Lower Test Score Gains In 8th
Kelly Purtell, Ohio State U.;
Elizabeth Gershoff, U. Texas-Austin
Feeding Neu5Gc To Mice Engineered
To Be Deficient In The Sugar,
Produced By Some Mammals, But
Not Others, Including Humans,
Promoted Spontaneous Cancers
(A Reason, Likely, Why People Who
Eat A Lot Of Red Meat Are Known To
Be At Higher Risk For Cancer)
Ajit Varki, M.D., Principal Investigator,
UC-San Diego School of Medicine
Processed Meat
Reduces Telomeres
(Telomeres Are Like
Wingnuts For Chromosomes)
Cleveland Clinic Researchers
Discover New Link Between
Heart Disease and Red Meat
Though Journalists Are Making
Way Too Much Of A Food
Court Preference Decision, It
Apparently Is The Case
McDonald's Is Getting Exited
From The Cleveland Clinic's
(Ultra Ultra Ultra Famous
In Cardiology)
Virtually All U.S. Beef,
According To Consumer Reports:
Comes With Cow Doody
Gene variant makes eaters of
processed meat 'more likely to get
colorectal cancer--'
Genetic Variant rs4143094 AND:
Processed Meat
Jane Figueiredo, Li Hsu, USC;
Ulrike Peters, Fred Hutchinson
Cancer Res. Ctr.
Vegetarian Diets Associated
With Lower Blood Pressure,
And The Diets Can Be Used
To Lower BP.
Yoko Yokoyama, Ph.D., M.P.H.,
National Cerebral and
Cardiovascular Center, Japan
Dr. Kahn's Eat Meat
Newer For This Entry.
Blogging Works Best
With Those Appearing At
The Top.
Each Part Rotational
Re-Appearance (Always
New, Best Of Re-Appearing,)
By The Very Nature Of This
Website's Subject Matter,
In Fact Returns With New
Material Of Its Own.
High Salt Diet And Ulcer Bug
Combine To Increase Risk Of
Vanderbilt U. Team (Will List
When Placed In The Salt Space)
The Site Has A New Salt Space.
Included Below Is A Massive
Source Population Based
Swiss Study That Certainly
Measured Along Numerous
However, The Basic
Significance As To Eating
Stuff Such As What's
Pictured And Health Is:
If A Very Large Population
Favors Such Food, Some
Things Will Negatively Impact
Their Health.
So It Becomes The Reverse
Of The Interest In The
Med Diet.
It's What's Going Wrong
Here, Vs. What's Working
Right There.
The Risk Identified By The
Vanderbilt Team Is Significant.
I'm Told It's A Perennial Joke
In Medical School:
Sticking A Scope Down The
Mouth, Sticking One Up The
Rear End, And Just Pulling
Back And Forth.
Where This Food Fits
In Relation To Food
It's Not Nearly As Negatively
Impacting As Later Events.
It's Part Of The Stage Of
Humans Learning To
Separate Out From Food
Naturally Occurring And
Remixing To Taste.
The Above Pictured Foods
Are Obviously Culturally
As Indicated Below, The Qty.
Past Which Statistical Impact
Shows Is Actually Quite Small;
So, For The Really Health
Conscious, I Simply Suggest
Using A Scraper.
Proverbially, It's Quite True,
Pretty Much Anything Can
Happen To Anyone At Any
Time, Which Is A Fact That
Enters Into Medical Care
Organization, At Least For
Me. Just Being Relaxed And
Happy, Proved Through So
Very Many Means Of
Instrospection, Is So Important
That Though I'm Health
Conscious Even I Happen To
Personally Advocate The
Relaxed View Of These Things,
Including Not Jumping Off
The Terrace After Allowing A
Splurge. And Nothing's All
Bad, Till You Get Into The
Yet More "Modern"
Frankenfoods. There're
Useful Trace Nutrients In
Virtually Everything Naturally
Particularly As To
Cardiovascular Health There's
Slight Genetic Variation As To
Impacts, With There Also
Being Well Known Very
Isolated Groups Enjoying
Genetic Protections.
They're Essentially Irrelevant
As To Behavior.
Though Genetics Will Variously
Have A Small To Large
Influence On Risk And
Prognosis, Only In Extremely
Isolated Instances Does It Per
Se Define Those, Such As In
The Case Of A Particular
Eye Cancer.
The Science Is Anti-Lapses,
But Pretty Much Anything Can
Happen To Anyone At Any Time
(Something That Makes Some
People Unimpressed When
Someone Voices Health
Coverage Hubris Or Is Led To
Feel Happy Having A Blue
Tier Policy Left Affordable
Just For Him/Herself,)
And There're Many Cross
Currents Of Health Status
Influencers At A Time, So Around
This Website The Occassional
Splurge And Eating Like The
Locals When Traveling Are Still O.K.
There's Also Self-Dosing-Lite.
(Img. Suggests More
Than Advisable Based On
The Swiss Study Below--
Just Use A Scraper.)
Lots Of Diet Products Are
Essentially Cutting Portions,
Even If The Food's Still A
Little Calorie Dense/Nutritionally
Not So Dense.
There're Of Course Alternate
Preparations For Any Desired
Cuisine, But Many People Are
Attached To What They're
Familiar With.
Indeed, Food As Withdrawal Is
Something That May Incorporate
Regression Along That Dimension
More Than Behavioralists
Have Already Considered.
That In Turn Is An Inwardness,
A Defensive Mechanism, That
Of Course Would Transport Across
Different Subjects.
This Will Be Essentially Mindful Of:
Humans Learned How To Separate
Out Fat And Sugar For Such Things
As Confections.
Humans Learned How To AgFarm-
Mass Produce Substitute For
Even Those Components
(High Fructose Corn Syrup)
Humans Learned To Alter
Food Crop Genetics By Means
The Impact Of Which Are
Probably Inadequately Tested
Respecting Human Health.
This Will Be Re-Appearing
For Now:
The Fat And Med Diet
Bundles Are Nascent, With
Much New Being About
Benefits From Moderate
Alcohol Consumption, Inclu.
Far More Than What's
Already Present In The
Existing Med Diet Bundle
(Not Presenting More Absent
Much More As To Nuts, Veggies
(Incl. Which Ones,) Olive Oil,
Fish, Lest This Site Appear To
Overweight That And Pot
The Fat Space Is Nascent,
But Is Primarily Here.
Repairing/Repacing Link:
Harvard Analysis (New,
Processed Red Meat Has
Less L-Carnitine, Yet That's
Converted By Gut Bacteria
Into An Artery Clogging
Compound; But, Red Meat's
Citing A Weak Link Between
Unprocessed Red Meat And
Heart Disease, It Adds:
“Processed red meats--
bacon, sausage, salami, deli
meats—are associated with much
higher risk of heart disease....”
There're Multiple Contributing
Links At The Harvard Cite.
Looking At 2 Studies, The
N.I.H. Concludes (2012)
Consumption Of Red Meat
Per Se Is Associated
" ...with increased risk
of all-cause, cardiovascular,
and cancer mortality...."
Famous Very Large Swiss
Study Calls You A Goner
If You Consume More Than
40 Grams (It's 1.411 oz.)
Of Sausage A Day (2013.)
Obviously The Less The
Having Entered The Above,
I Personally Appreciate The
Norwegian Military's Adoption
Of Meatless Monday To Fight
Global Warming.
Earliest Civilizations Thrived
Mostly Along Mediterranean
Latitude Equivalents, Where
Agriculture Was Facilitated.
Ample Generations Would
Have Been Adapted/Adapted
To That Environment.
Very Large European Study:
"a high intake of total fat and
saturated fat was linked to
an increased risk of breast
cancer subtypes known as
estrogen receptor-positive
(ER-positive) and
progesterone receptor-positive
(PR-positive)." High-fat diets
also were tied to a raised
risk of developing HER2-negative
breast cancer, the investigators
Author: Sabina Sieri,
Fondazione IRCCS Istituto
Naziolale dei Tumori, Italy
Egg Yolks Almost As Bad As
Smoking When It Comes To
Just One High Fat Meal
Affects Heart Health
a single gene encoding the enzyme
GnT-4a glycosyltransferase (GnT-4a)
is key to enabling the beta cells in
the pancreas to sense blood glucose
levels and appropriately produce insulin.
However, this enzyme is suppressed
by a high-fat diet, resulting in
pancreatic beta cell failure and
eventually leading to type 2 diabetes.
Cancer Spread Is Increased by
a High Fat Diet, Ground-Breaking
Evidence Shows
Regular Sleep Assists
Weight Management
...It's Bi-Directional (Weight
Gain From A High Fat Diet,
Specifically, Induces
Fragmented Sleep)
More On "High Fat Diets," Destined
To Be A New Website SPACE
(Red Meat's In The House
Already; Chances Are Looking Good
Skin Cancer Will Be A Space.)
A High Fat Diet Can Harm The Brain
I Think Typically High Fat Runs
In Tandem With High Protein
(Not Really Veggie Based, Not
Really Interested In Modest Whole
Not Bleached Grain.)
These 2 Things Mean Most Fast
Food Joints Are Destroying Your
But, At Least You're Not Going To
Jail As You Would Were You
Caught Holding A Joint.
Fast Food Bender/Liver Damage
How High Fat Diets Can Increase
Your Risk Of Breast Cancer
Fat Fathers/Diabetic Fathers With
Poor Diets Likely To Pass It On
To Their Daughters
Moms' high-fat, sugary diets may lead
to heavy offspring with a taste for
alcohol, sensitivity to drugs
Incremental Chemical
High-fructose diet during
pregnancy may harm placenta,
restrict fetal growth
Meat Consumption Raises
Mortality Rates: Study
(Nothing Independently Verified
--Paul Drake Was Busy.)
This Yes // This No
The Point Of The Space Is Satire.
The Categories Are All With:
Stupidly Funny Element Present
Nakedly Creating Insecurity
And Selling To Insecurity.
Nakedly Creating Feelings Of
Inequality And Selling To
Feelings Of Inequality.
Nakedly Selling To Known Neuroses.
Nakedly Selling To Ignorance For
Commonality Of Advantage
Nakedly Presenting Basis Of Position
Grounded In Nonsense
Nakedly Naive, Reserved For With
Hyposcrisy Because Nakedly Naive Would
Be Too Large A Category
Nakedly Pay To Play - "Looking"
(Selling Out The Community)
Special Section For Ben Carson.
What Can Be More Defining Than
A Woman Cannot Have An Abortion
Even If She's Raped But Not All
Human Life Is Equal?
Rep. Cliff Stearns Wants
To Sell Off National Parks
We Can Hear Canadians
Through The Walls Also
New/All For Gov. LePage
And Mr. Buffett, A Buffet
Of Fun, A Regular
Gov LePage:
Mainly Sees Good 1
Piece De Resistance
He Doesn't Appear The
Model Of Health Good
Behavior (I Don't Place
Good/Bad Health Behavior
On A Virtuous-Not Virtuous
Marie Antoinette'ish
"No climate change impact
on insurance biz: Buffett"
(At CNBC, 3/3/2014)
"Climate Change Blamed For
Spike In Home Insurance
FinancialPost, 11/17/2014
Another Work Worth Keeping:
(He's Also Screwing
U. of Southern Maine)
Gov. Paul LePage Seems To
Think Heroin Overdosers
Should Be Purposely Left To
Die For ...?... Their
Weaknesses, Withdrawal
From The Consequences Of
Monopoly From Control And
Non-Democratic Process,
And The Like; Or, Not Really,
He Must Think They're Evil
And Should Be Executed By
Default Non-Assistance.
Does He See Being Obese
Or, Is He Actually Not Living
A Double Standard And
Killing Himself Softly?
"No climate change impact
on insurance biz: Buffett"
(At CNBC, 3/3/2014)
"Climate Change Blamed For Spike
In Home Insurance Premiums"
FinancialPost, 11/17/2014
Feature Grids Indicate New
With Green.
-2- -3-
----5- -6- -7----
-8- -9- -10-
-11- -12- -13-
-14- -15- -16-
"Traditionally, most of Australia 's
imports come from overseas."
"That lowdown scoundrel deserves
to be kicked to death
by a jackass and I'm just
the one to do it."
"It isn’t pollution that’s harming the
environment. It’s the
impurities in our air
and water that are doing it."
"I love California. I practically
grew up in Phoenix."
This Is The Same As
That And That
And This Is The Same
As Monetary And Fiscal
Policy Inflating Assets
However/Whatever So
Long As The Privatizers'
Assets Are Lifted
This From The Health
Privatization Bundle,
And This From Realty
Newer Yet. How Lucky I Didn't
Already Move These To
Location. Billions For
Unwholesome Food Chain
Creators/Purveyors, But
Food Stamps Cut. And The
Latter Mainly Would End
Up Feeding The Former
Kenneth Rogoff/Carmen
Reinhardt "Messed Up" And
How It Was Ridiculously
Blown Out Of Proportion
(A Sum Of Most
Placed Already On
The Real Estate Page,)
The Real Estate Bubble
Is- Half Illusion, Half
Bought With A Policy Of
Hand It Over Aimed Mainly
At Those Who SOLD The
Banks' Own Mortgage
Bubble Thus Freeing Their
Prior Homes' Equity
(Arguably, The Loss Of
The Earning Power Of
Of Retiree's Retirement
Nest Eggs Has Been
Nastier, Though.)
(Link Repaired)
The Case
Shiller Index Is Suited,
Together With Price
Dispersion (Selling Mercedes
And Ladas One Month Buy
Just Mercedes The Next)
Afforded By
The Fed's Enabling The
Withholding Of Losing
Collateral By Banks, For
Misleading As To The
State Of The Real Estate
How Privatization
Increases Prices
(Listen Past Precisely How
It Is People Get The Wrong
Impression That Government,
In Contracting The Privatizer,
Is The Culprit--
Pre-Set To 14m0s)
...privatization's profit boxes
and transfers yield $456,000
per Michigan job
Michigan Leads Nation in Massive
Corporate Tax Breaks
(The Untold Story of Detroit's Decline)
How Alan Greenspan
Knee-Capped Social Security
And Helped Reagan Financially
Undermine The U.S. With
Record Tax Cuts For The Wealthy
And Record Tax Increases For
Those Not Wealthy
If This Is An Economic
Pyramid It's Shaped
With An Accelerating
Pitch Toward The Top
(Not Like The Mayan
"Climate Change, Austerity,
and the Return of
Prof. Stiglitz/
My Take:
Democratic Cultures
Cooperating Can Be
Preferable To Actual
Currency Union
(Myself Separately:
In The U.S. Monopolists
Vs. Everyone Else)
Poof! You're MIT Everything
Runaway Greenhouse Gases,
If They Cycle At All,
Obviously Have Nothing
To Do With Polar Or
Other Cycles Over The Course
Of 100's, Or Even 1,000's
Of Years.
Video By Author Cited
At The Jet Stream Links
Non-Separability And Non-Locality
In Quantum Theory--" Which
Basically Means Everything's
If You're A Boomer, Watch This
One And Start Catching Up
With X/Y/Z.
City Left As Physical Fast
Food Menu Isn't All It's
Cracked Up To Be
The Naysayers As To This
Wealth Inequality Video
Omit Puppeteering And
Inappropriate Privatization,
Monopoly, And Corrupting
Of Policy Making In Health,
Education, And Ecosystem
Richard Wolff, U. Of Massachusetts
Economics Prof., On The Shafting
Of Detroit Municipal Worker
Though Hopefully Self-Accelerating
Warming Can Still Be Averted,
Clearly Americans And Canadians
Should Start Preparing For The
Possibility Of The Jet Stream
From Poipu
Beach To Princeville,
Anti-GMO Videos,
Nothing Independently Verified
--Paul Drake Was Busy.
itsoureconomy.com 's
I Reverse Engineer From
The Exact Same Goals,
Using The Best Elements
From A Smorgasbord Of
Everything, But Arrive At A
Place That Properly Understood
Is Very Similar To Single Payer.
Bicycle Parking
Kenya TV Video For
Demonstration Of
Primary Media Focus
(Climate Change.)
(Symbology Searchable
--Home Page)
Prosthetic Eye/Restore Vision
Mechanism Of Longer Life
Surgery Without The Cutting
Print A Kidney
Website Guided Mix And Match--
Crashing Other People's Conferences
This Space, Which Believe It Or
Not Was Inspired By My Own
Crashing Of Conferences Discovered
Happening At A Business-Academia-
Serving Resort To Which I Had
Facility Privileges (I've Those
Elsewhere Now) Will Reappear
In Outline Form. It Was About
Cross-Fertilization Of Information
As Part Of This Page, This Space Is Currently
Being Repurposed For Essentially Rote Listing
Of New Particularly Relevant Discoveries.
Relevant Means Pertaining Live Long And Prosper.
The Above's This (To Me. I Think It's
The Same Dynamic.)
Democratizing Pharma Parallels
Democratizing Medical Care.
How Much Sharing, How Much Grants Vs.
Royalties, Is A Democratization Tool
As Is Adjusting Risk Equalization.
Wow That's Sure Bogus!
(Think: Deceptions In
Public Discourse, Emphasizing
The Actions Of The Misled.
A Directional Space.)
Someone's Convinced An Alleged
Majority Of People That Their
Foods Shouldn't Be Labeled
GMO /(Or Not.)
Among Those Behind The
Effort Have Been Ostensibly
Pro-Family Spokesmen.
Obviously It's Precisely
Lifelong Consumption Of
Staple Crops (As In Starting
From Youth) That's Most
Inappropriate Where Doubts
Linger As To Wholesomeness.
(Think: Getting A Grip On Character
Assassination. Accepting Each Other's
Flaws, And How That Alters How Some
Issues And Processes Are Viewed And
Both Affected And Effectuated.
Character Assassinations Past,
Viewing Health Issues And
Processes, And More
I'm Flawed Because I'm Not A Robot.)
An Experimental
If It Doesn't Ultimately Prove
Self-Sustaining, Relative To Present
Events (Relevance Promise,) I'll Fold
It Into Other Spaces
Things That Have Mattered
Real Estate:
Pre-Set To Fed Itself Seeing A Bubble
Pre-Set To How Privatization Increases Prices
Telltale Signs Of Bogus Market Dynamic
Why Housing’s An Accident Waiting To Happen
Existing Home Sales Fall Most In 12 Months: ZH 7/22/2013
The Dollar’s Held In The Balance From Monopolized Monetary Policy
Self-Defeats Upon Losing Interest Rate Market Credibility
Housing: Bearish Chart
This/Next Link: Precisely What Facilitates R.E. Price Rcvry Illusn
Selling Expnsv/Not Expnsv One Yr, Only Expnsv The Next
Ill-Aimed Bailout Proving A Loser, Of Course
Ostensibly 4 Mortgagors But Really Banks Paid By Bubble Sellers
More On Self-Defeating Upon Interest R Market Doubt
Mortgage Rates And Affordability
Bearish Chart
How Case Shiller Can Mislead
Macro Environment Worse Than Trumpeted
Macro Environment Worse Than Trumpeted-2
Mortgage Rate Spike Slammed Mortgage Applications
Housing Shell Game
Regards Bernanke's Policy Supporting Banks' Bubble, Bad Collateral
Bernanke Is Losing Credibility
The Quantity Of Trading Looking At Credibility Loss Is Massive
Existing Home Sales…
Should have been much stronger.
What’s going on???
“Low Inventory” a Red-Herring
Mark Hanson, 7/22/2013
Nearly Half 2009 Mod's Re-Defaulted.
Mainly The Banks Got Money.
The Occupants Got A
Little More Time.
The Public Paid.
A Resolution Trust-Type Plan
Could've Been Installed With Low Pain.
The Mortgagors Could Have Had
Non-Recourse, And Most Put Very
Little Down. For Every Tiny Part Of The
Mortgage Bubble Bought, Somone
SOLD And Was Ripped Off.
Americans Gambling on Rates
With Most ARMs Since 2008
Kathleen M. Howley & Prashant Gopal,
Bloomberg, 7/24/2013
TRAYVON, And Related,
Bundle Amplification Space
Florida's Policy: Paranoids, Including
Homicidal Paranoids, And Especially
Likely Racist Homicidal Paranoids,
Are Encouraged To Kill.
It May Or May Not Work For You.
Presumably That Extends To Anyone
Seemingly Dangerously Offensive
To The Paranoid Who Perceives That
Being The Case As To Anyone Not
Appearing To Be Exactly Like Himself
(Requires The Paranoid Demeanor.)
Sorry. Thought I Threw
The Links In. Well, That's
Fixed Now.
The Most Immediately Relevant Links
Are These:
Open Letter To Trayvon’s Father:
Sue Zimmerman
Greg Palast, Truth-Out, 7/24/2013
Key Mistakes Sway Jury
in Zimmerman Trial
Marjorie Cohn, Truthout, 7/17/2013
(Sorry For The Temporarily
Missing Link)
"The killing of Trayvon Martin
is the continuation of
business as usual
In 'post-racial' America
unquestioned habits of thinking
led directly to George Zimmerman's
Patricia Williams, The Guardian, 7/19/2013
"...Over the past few years the
supreme court has aggressively restricted
laws meant to redress the legacy of
segregation: it has held that it
is in and of itself racist to consider race,
even for purposes of remedying inequality.
it has made proving discrimination nearly
impossible by all but barring data about
disparate impact. Just last month it gutted
the Voting Rights Act of 1965, placing
a nearly impossible burden on individual
citizens to show that state officials had
invidious intent in restricting the
opportunity to vote. It has made class
actions, the very staple of civil rights cases,
almost completely unavailable....
Zimmerman was found not guilty because
of a sequence of unquestioned habits of
thought: from the prejudgments that
clouded his vision on that dark and
rainy night; to the Sanford police
department's casual reaction to the
crime scene, failing to preserve
evidence or conduct a thorough
investigation in a timely fashion;
to the anonymous juror who has
declared that Zimmerman's "hear
was in the right place...."
But what goes around comes around.
Drones are George Zimmermans in
the sky, and they're coming to a
neighborhood near you.
If You Doubt That, See This
Kid Arrested For
Her Energetic Science
Control Freaks R After Kids
4 Profit.
The Opposite Is Not Bullying
The Vulnerable For Any Of
Multiple Possible Reasons,
But Caring For The Girl Who's
Overweight , And Whose Mother's
Overweight, Obviously Possibly
Related, Rather Than Arresting
Her For Placating Her Bullies For
Wearing Perfume.
Transport This Into A Judge,
Jury And Executioner And
Lyncher Situation
What Goes Around
Comes Around
And, Wait. Don't Go Away.
Stop And Frisk Can Land
With The Prosperous.
Except He Hadn't Been Hounded,
Let Alone In An Ongoing Fashion.
It Was The Younger Fucik Who
Said Denial Of Dignity Is Worse
Than Mass Killing.
Except The Young Adult Not
Experienced In Reacting To Fear
Deliberately Induced By A Cop
And His Bosses Can Very
Forseeably Provoke A Violent
Reaction From A Cop, At Least
Based On Recent Odd Experience.
And Obviously It Becomes Only
A Matter Of Time A Cop Turns
Out Being Something Akin To
Zimmermann, With Or Without
Cause, And Certainly Without
A Judge Or Jury.
That's Lynching To Me.
So, Who Still Doesn't See The Trayvon
Killing A Risk To Himself Or Herself,
Even If A Member Of The Supposed
Non-Vulnerable (Vulnerable To Whom,
Otherwise--Disturbed People?
It Looks It.) You Have It Wrong.
That's Because Of The Following,
Which Involves, I Think, Intra-Family
Affairs And Bullying As Well.
The Minute Society Condones The Denial
The Denial Of A Single Vital Civil Right
To A Single Person Entitled To It,
Essentially By Birthright (And India's
Actually Extended That To Dolphins,)
Ultimately Every Right Of Every Person
Is Jeopardized.
It Simply Becomes A Matter Of Picking
And Choosing.
As Soon As We Permit The Independent
Person To Assume The Power Of Judge,
Jury And Executioner, We Become Not
Just A Jungle, But A Particularly Unpleasant
One. A Really Threatening, Dangerous,
One, In More Ways Than Most People
Have Imagined Thus Far, Obviously.
Any Person Gets To Judge The Presence
Of A Crime When The Only Real Crime
May Be Having Been Born Someone Other
Than The Accuser. That Must Be The
Logical Extreme. It's A Familiar Matter In
Mental Health, I'm Aware.
Literally, Any Person Gets To Imagine
A Crime, To Judge What They Imagined,
To Be Juror, And To Be Executioner.
Why Would A European Be Stupid
Enough To Travel To Florida Under
Those Conditions When They Could
Almost As Easily Head To Barbados?
The Trayvon Case Means You Can
Be White And Rich And Still Be The
Appropriate Beneficiary Of Atticus' Talk
To The Mob That Would Have Lynched
Tom Robinson, A Man Falsely Accused
Based On A Prejudice And Prejudicing
Of Judgement (A Lethal Falsely Knowing
I Think Trayvon Was Judged Twice,
Each Time Lethally.
Maybe He Died Three Times.
His Dignity And Birthright Were Denied,
I Think.
He Was Pre-Judged Guilty Of A
Capital Offense. He Had To Have Been.
What On Earth Else Precedes Shoot
To Kill?
I Think.
Then, He Was Shot Dead.
His Sentence Of Execution Is Ordinarily
Reserved For A Judge--Yet Another
Most Of These Uploads Are From
Southerners. They Definitely
Understand This Better Than
Do Northerners.
But, Then, We Do Owe It
To The World To Keep Out
Abu Ghraib's To Ourselves.
If APA And APA Members Don't
Start Addressing These Issues
These Issues Could Very Well
Start Catching Up With Its
This Guy Happens To Remind Me
Of The Guy Who Murdered
Lina Newhouser's Husband.
All These Things Are Opposite From
What Even Robert E. Lee Would Have
Ever Done.
Crazily, We're Talking About People
From Near Valley Forge And Gettysburg.
(I Did Gettysburg As A Kid, But I Only
Visited This One Recently.)
Young People Can Be Expected
To React With Poor Judgement.
That's Not A Reason To Kill
-He- Could Just As Easily Have
Been White And Rich.
Under Stop And Frisk, To Me
Ignoring Birthright At The
Outset, I Think The Dubious
Policy Enforcers Provoke It.
What's The Point In Hiring
Judges If The Sentencing
Of Risking Costing A Culprit
An Eye Can Be Rendered
For Free?
So If I Were A European I'd
Have To Be An Idiot To
Travel To Florida.
Anyone With Road Rage Can
Play He Said Vs. He Said And
Shoot You Hoping Stand Your
Ground Will Work. The
Average IQ Is Defined As 100,
So Expecting Someone With
A Gun And Knowing About Stand
Your Ground To Contain His
Compulsions And Presumptions
Is Naive. The Law Actually Tasks
Sophisticated People With Guns
To Play Lawyer.
But It's Increasingly Looking Like
Avoiding The U.S. Altogether's
The Easier Default Decision.
This Also Is Part-Rotationally Fed,
Such That There's Always New Input
From The Health Page, Definitionally
Increasingly Selective Returns From
Earlier Archival Presentations.
The Result Should Be Maximized
Having Aortic Dissection Surgery?
Not When Bad Moon's Rising.
-1- -2- -3-
Waning Full Moon.
Karli Rosner, MD, PHD
Wayne State Sch. of Medicine
Using DNASE1 As A
Computer Virus
(Treating DNA As A Computer)
So As To Blue Screen
(As In Computer's
Screen Of Death)
Melanoma Cells
An Artificial Retina
With The Capacity To
Restore Normal Vision
Dr. Sheila Nirenberg
Weill Cornell Medical College
He Must've Used Master Bait.
LA 2 NY In Under An Hour
W/O The Wings
Jealous Women Attack!
Judge Gets Benched
If You Fly In/Out Of The
U.S., Pack Like A Tramp
Warming Oceans
Breaking Up Antarctica
Fantastic Looking Means of
Engaging Persons In Neighborhoods
With Concentrations of Elderly
As Well As A Community
Improvement Tool
Looks Healthful, Practical,
Good for Communities
The Telco Duopoly, They Say
The L.A. Times on
ATT and Sacramento
There must be some places
in the world where people won't
mind nanocapacitors being sprayed
on their trees so as to turn them
into antennas
Toward Making Non-Beating
Heart Cells Beat Again
(No Forecasting Value)
Poof! New Nerve Cells
Vision Restored
Vision Restored - II
First Successful Restoration
Of Vision With Artificial
Further Update--
Regrowth and Restoration
of Function of SEVERELY
Damaged Nerves
Spinal Cord Bypassed
To Move Paralyzed Hand
Computer Generated Implants
Allow Damaged Nerves
To Regrow
Disrupt Disrupt
Now Hear This.
Graphene Goes Electronically
Graphene monoxide
achieves all three characteristics of
electrical conductivity -- conducting,
insulating and semiconducting
Frank Abagnale (same?)
warns on debit cards
Here Comes GE Fish
--Bon Appetit
What's Next? Patenting
Bagels And Pretzels?
Cord Cutting May Be Simply
A Matter Of Keeping An
Entertainment Diary
Google Concept Appears Being Like
The Talking Ship's Computer From
Star Trek's Enterprise, On Your
Head (Warning: Possibly A Little
Hokey Toward The End)
Mass Production of Plastic
E-Link Displays
(Seriously Flexible Ones)
Quantum Computing In a Diamond
Say, Does Anyone Know How
Much TSCM Cramer Sold At
The Top of the Dot-Com
Authorities Reportedly Examining
Questions As To Potential Failures
To Disclose, Morgan Stanley/
Actually, now, finally, multiple public
prosecutors, in law enforcement, and
in the administrative agencies, are
seeing some issues.
Chinese Sovereign Fund Supervising
Chairman Jin Liqun Reportedly
Saying Yuan Will Be
Reserve Currency
It Has Surfaced That The
U.S. Treasury
Has Enabled Chinese Bidding
For Treasuries To Be Obscured
"German 'Shitstorm'
Brewing Over
Pirate Party School Blocks"
Not Replacing Dead Gray Matter With
A Flash Drive In Your Pocket,
This Is Adding To Your
Mental Multi-Functionality
Don't Drink the Water.
It's Spoiled.
More Dangerous Inter-Visceral
Fat ("Belly Fat")
Preferentially Reduced With New
Surgery Using Capsaicin (Salsa)
Oh Man, This Is What
I've Been Using
This is an area of obvious urgency,
and it lends itself to lots of self help.
The False Sense of Security Matters.
Melanoma Is Where Your
Cells Accelerate Reproduction.
There's only one right strategy:
Where a Hat and Stay Out of the Sun
During the Height of the Day.
Piecemeal Maintenance Is A Failure.
Health Education Has to be Formalized.
It Should Be More Formalized Than This
Endometriosis From Another?
(Note: Doctors Advise Using SOME
Block If You Must Subject Yourself
To Burning UV--Lesser Of 2 Evils
Learn Checking Yourself
For "Changes" In Any Case
--There Is A Genetic Dimension
For Some People)
Yogurt = Sexy Bod
Antibiotics = Obese
I Don't Know About You,
But I've Always Been
Pro-Biotic, Not Anti-Biotic
Broad Spectrum Brain Cell
Death Stopped
If Beijing Really Is Throwing In The Towel
On the Pretense of Communism and
Going the Way of Democracy, Then
Will This (Conard's Piece, a Naive Voice in
Defense of Entrenched Monopolies?
(Comment There and Linkage from
Here Anticipated)) Look Yet More
Naive and Lonely?
Thousands Celebrate A Total Absence
of Nuclear Power In A Nation Devoid
of Hydrocarbons
Chinese Net-Preneurs Discover
Online Shopping Is A Personal
Experience -- Modeling Goes Practical
Stanford Genome Technology Center:
Predictions Made As To An Individual's
Genetic Risk of Developing Specific
Diseases, Using Commercial SNP
(Single Nucleotide Polymorphisms,)
May Vary From Those From Next
Generation Sequencing
(That Means They
May Be Wrong)
a Volcano
Erupts Will A
Spike Strip Protect
Your Computer?
Grand Prize Winners for their effort, Rice
University students turn shale gas cleanly
and economically into methanol, hydrogen
and carbon disulfide.
also SEE
From Livestream Global Rev It's Become
Obvious Major Media Is Presently
At a Disadvantage In "Pivoting" Around
Details As They Happen ,
and Homogenizes Issues Beyond Simply
Trimming Extreme Rhetoric.
Shifts In Timing Of Flowering And Leafing
Due To Global Warming Much More
Greater Than Originally Thought
Is Hulu Installing A Gate?
Liquid Polymer Scaffolding, Injected,
Prevents Heart Attack Progression to
Congestive Heart Failure
Medical Care
Organization And
Public Health
Especially In View Of
Better Appreciated
ObamaCare Shortcomings
--This Space Will Advance To
A Later Stage SEE
Sen. Richard Blumenthal,
2/5/11 (C-SPAN VIDEO:)
Laws traditionally are first
presumed Constitutional.
Interstate commerce has
been the basis of affirmative
California's Prop. 32
Is But A Halloween Trick.
Not Independently Verified
From CTA:
"...The measure, sometimes referred
to as “paycheck deception,” prohibits
unions and corporations from using
donations from dues money through
payroll deductions to support political
campaigns or candidates. This would
have little impact on corporations,
which seldom use payroll deductions for
political spending,
but would be devastating for unions...."
Krugman's "Ryan the Ridiculous"
Cancer patients given THC ate more protein,
said food 'tasted better,' small study finds
Obamacare Judges' Financial Conflict
Brandon Smith, Daily Beast, Dec. 21, 2010
Study Ties Nursing Shift Shortfalls to
Patient Mortality Risk
UCLA School of Public Health
Docs: ‘There Are Still No Death Panels
Parker & Spitzer, CNN, Dec. 28, 2010
Dr. David Scheiner, Barack Obama's
former physician:
“Death Panels is pure demagoguery.”
Prof. Kenneth Thorpe, Emory Univ.:
simplyempowering physicians to discuss
patient choices
If Your Kids Are More Important
To You Than Possibly Some
Creepy People Replacing Fred
Farmer With Giant GMO-Based-
Production (And Consumption,
Unfortunately, (Even Though The
Virtual Entire Rest Of The World
Rejected It Long Ago,)) Based
On Proprietary Seeds (If True
From Possibly, Then Why
Else?) Who Do Not Want
You To Know What Your Food's
Made Of
(My Bassett Hound Sniffs It And
Takes It, But I'm Trustworthy,)
Then Checking "Yes" On "37"
Works With That. When It's
Enacted, Maybe Celebrate The
Small Step For Freedom,
Democracy, And Ending Of
The Opaqueness That Is
Typical Of Ponzi Schemes, And
Market Controlled Dominance
With Proprietary Insecticide-
Related GMO's Providing The
Syrup Sweetener Ubiquitous
In Processed Foods Could
Very Well Ultimately
Prove Working Out As
A Ponzi Scheme.
The Banks Will Have No
Problem Profiting From
Failures In Agriculture.
If It Has To Be Sugar,
At Least Make It From
Something Other Than
GMO-Based Corn Syrup From
Proprietary Seeds From
A Market That Displaced
The Wholesome Diversity
From Family Farms
Across The Breadbasket.
Resistance In Multiple Forms
Beyond What Was Advertised
Is Occurring.
Will It Jeopardize The
Gene's Donor Crop?
There's Reason To Suspect
The Crops That Are More
Spray-Insecticide Durable
Are Simply Getting Soaked
In Oceans Of The Stuff.
Turkey Builds Nuclear Power Plants
In Seismically Active Zones
Every epidemiologic effect
cascades into a virtual infinity
of concomitant reactions, those
fanning out in turn.
Marine study finds fish
spawning earlier
Hundreds Drown In
Russian Heatwave
The Truth About ‘Climategate’
Hacked e-mails have compromised
scientists—but not the science itself.
As climate change accelerates,
so too will hunger, poverty, and
perhaps even social unrest.
Larry Kudlow, CNBC, Dec. 29, 2009
The gasoline price spike in 2008
was a major precipitator
of the financial crisis.
If Your Kids Are More Important
To You Than Possibly Some
Creepy People Replacing Fred
Farmer With Giant GMO-Based-
Production (And Consumption,
Unfortunately, (Even Though The
Virtual Entire Rest Of The World
Rejected It Long Ago,)) Based
On Proprietary Seeds (If True
From Possibly, Then Why
Else?) Who Do Not Want
You To Know What Your Food's
Made Of
(My Bassett Hound Sniffs It And
Takes It, But I'm Trustworthy,)
Then Checking "Yes" On "37"
Works With That. When It's
Enacted, Maybe Celebrate The
Small Step For Freedom,
Democracy, And Ending Of
The Opaqueness That Is
Typical Of Ponzi Schemes, And
Market Controlled Dominance
With Proprietary Insecticide-
Related GMO's Providing The
Syrup Sweetener Ubiquitous
In Processed Foods Could
Very Well Ultimately
Prove Working Out As
A Ponzi Scheme.
The Banks Will Have No
Problem Profiting From
Failures In Agriculture.
If It Has To Be Sugar,
At Least Make It From
Something Other Than
GMO-Based Corn Syrup From
Proprietary Seeds From
A Market That Displaced
The Wholesome Diversity
From Family Farms
Across The Breadbasket.
Resistance In Multiple Forms
Beyond What Was Advertised
Is Occurring.
Will It Jeopardize The
Gene's Donor Crop?
There's Reason To Suspect
The Crops That Are More
Spray-Insecticide Durable
Are Simply Getting Soaked
In Oceans Of The Stuff.
Turkey Builds Nuclear Power Plants
In Seismically Active Zones
Every epidemiologic effect
cascades into a virtual infinity
of concomitant reactions, those
fanning out in turn.
Marine study finds fish
spawning earlier
Hundreds Drown In
Russian Heatwave
The Truth About ‘Climategate’
Hacked e-mails have compromised
scientists—but not the science itself.
As climate change accelerates,
so too will hunger, poverty, and
perhaps even social unrest.
Larry Kudlow, CNBC, Dec. 29, 2009
The gasoline price spike in 2008
was a major precipitator
of the financial crisis.
Stiglitz (Columbia / Nobel)
at projectsyndicate,
The Dangers Of Deficit Reduction
Taibbi: Romney / Whopper
My Paraphrase:
(Nothing Independently
Romney Economic
Brain Trust
'Ploughshares to Swords'
Budget Would Cost
America at Least 530,000
"Have we really reached the point
where Paul Ryan can just lie
and it's ok?"
Rich Bergen, OpEd News
(Nothing Independently Verified)
Liz Borkowski, thepumphandle
"...From his budget proposals, we
can tell that Paul Ryan’s priorities
include reducing the deficit and
getting the federal government out
of the business of ensuring
that the elderly and the poor have
healthcare and at least a small amount of
income on which to live.
That’s not a pathway to a future
I want to live in."
"Here's The Real Problem With
Mitt Romney's Economic Plan:
'Rich People'
Don't Create The Jobs"
Henry Blodgett,
(hardly a partisan
Ryan The Ridiculous (Krugman)
OK, let’s leave the badness
of the Medicare
plan aside for now, and look
at the economic projection
the plan is based on.
Here’s part of what the people
at Heritage are claiming the plan
will accomplish:
In case you’re having trouble
reading that, here’s the forecast
for unemployment (the red line
at the right) in the context of
the historical record:
(preposterous chart at source)
Except briefly during the Korean War,
the United States has never achieved
unemployment as low as Ryan and co.
are claiming. The Fed believes that the
lowest unemployment rate
compatible with price stability
is between 5 and 6 percent — that
is, twice what Ryan is
claiming he will achieve.
Ryan Tax Plan Would Increase
Taxes On Middle Class
“‘The Ryan plan doles out tax
cuts for the wealthy and asks the
middle class to pick up the bill,”
Casey said in a statement.
“To pay for his tax cuts,
Chairman Ryan has no choice but
to eliminate or drastically reduce tax
benefits that help middle-class
families meet their health care needs,
pay for their homes, and save
for their retirement.’”
(Refers To Sen. Bob Casey, PA)
CBO: Paul Ryan’s GOP Budget
Would Massively Cut Medicare
and Medicaid
This is a huge cut in Medicare spending.
Since it does not contain proven
cost controls, this will likely
mean seniors will see big increases
in their health care spending and/or
substantially reduced care.
The Ryan plan calls for a massive
decrease in federal spending
on Medicaid with no indication
it would be made up by the states
or from lower costs. The most likely
outcome would be millions
losing access to basic health
insurance and many poor people
forced to pay even more
out of pocket to get care.
Ryan Budget Would Massively
Increase Costs for Senior Health Care
FDL Dayen
The whole CBO report is really damning.
The bottom line is that seniors would pay more
for less coverage. It’s not a reform plan, it’s a
cost-shifting plan. Public debt goes down as
private debt goes up. And if the senior can’t
afford coverage… tough. Find a friend.
From Truth-Out:
(Nothing Independently Verified)
Twelve Things You Should Know
About Vice Presidential Candidate
Paul Ryan
Meet Paul Ryan: Climate Denier,
Conspiracy Theorist, Koch Acolyte
Cheney-Style Upside Down Ticket?
"Four Defamations of the Apocalypse"
on Baker - Malpass Impasse
Mind you, Prof. Warren was
a Republican prior to 1995,
and is not a left ideologue.
Wall Street's Race to
the Bottom Elizabeth Warren
The Coming Collapse of
the Middle Class
Elizabeth Warren
False Comparisons With The
JFK Tax Cuts
Fed Chief Thomas Hoenig On
Why The Fed Is
See This and Simply
End The "Asymmetry"
Rates to Boost the Economy
(WSJ "Article Free Pass")
Bills Yielding Zero as Stocks Soar
Make 1938 Moment
Nov. 23 (Bloomberg)
‘Process of Reflation’
Near-Zero Rates Are Hurting the Economy
(WSJ "Article Free Pass")
Colorado's minimum wage
becomes 1st in US to drop State
minimum wage laws
A Nation's Goal Should Be A Strong
Currency And High Wages,
Reflecting A People's Worth.
Extractive Market Control
Results In The Above In The
Same Manner By Which A
Dangerously Pushy Driver In
The Middle Lane Will Ultimately
Take Out The Car To The
Left Or Right.
zerohedge as to to the jobless
claims statistical artificiality.
Jobless Claims Keep Getting Revised Up
WSJ, 4/5/2012, (article appears open access)
Jobs Report A Bust
Eddy Elfenbein, Crossingwallstreet.com,
Gary Shilling:
Bearish on the US economy;
calling for a crash
by way of creditwritedowns.com
The Real Reason Banks
Aren't Lending
Chuck Saletta, fool.com,
Dec. 30, 3009
"... there's an interesting "carry trade" going
on right now that only banks can access. The
Federal Reserve set the Federal Funds Rate
at around 0%, giving banks
an opportunity to borrow at essentially
no cost. But 10-year Treasury yields
-- the typical
proxies for mortgages -- are
around 3.8%. As a result, banks
can earn an essentially risk-free
3.8% borrowing from the Fed system
and lending to the Treasury, rather
than lending to risky borrowers like
you and me.... That's easy money
if you're a bank. With the Federal deficit
ballooning, the Treasury is certainly offering
the banks plenty of opportunity
to buy government bonds, rather than
take a risk on traditional lending..."
"...In fact, every time Uncle
Sam dictates that lenders have to
adjust the terms of their loans, or that
bondholders do not deserve their seat
at the table when an indebted company
files bankruptcy, it threatens to weaken
the debt market further. ..."
Stiglitz (Columbia / Nobel)
at projectsyndicate,
The Dangers Of Deficit Reduction
Taibbi: Romney / Whopper
My Paraphrase:
(Nothing Independently
Romney Economic
Brain Trust
'Ploughshares to Swords'
Budget Would Cost
America at Least 530,000
"Have we really reached the point
where Paul Ryan can just lie
and it's ok?"
Rich Bergen, OpEd News
(Nothing Independently Verified)
Liz Borkowski, thepumphandle
"...From his budget proposals, we
can tell that Paul Ryan’s priorities
include reducing the deficit and
getting the federal government out
of the business of ensuring
that the elderly and the poor have
healthcare and at least a small amount of
income on which to live.
That’s not a pathway to a future
I want to live in."
"Here's The Real Problem With
Mitt Romney's Economic Plan:
'Rich People'
Don't Create The Jobs"
Henry Blodgett,
(hardly a partisan
Ryan The Ridiculous (Krugman)
OK, let’s leave the badness
of the Medicare
plan aside for now, and look
at the economic projection
the plan is based on.
Here’s part of what the people
at Heritage are claiming the plan
will accomplish:
In case you’re having trouble
reading that, here’s the forecast
for unemployment (the red line
at the right) in the context of
the historical record:
(preposterous chart at source)
Except briefly during the Korean War,
the United States has never achieved
unemployment as low as Ryan and co.
are claiming. The Fed believes that the
lowest unemployment rate
compatible with price stability
is between 5 and 6 percent — that
is, twice what Ryan is
claiming he will achieve.
Ryan Tax Plan Would Increase
Taxes On Middle Class
“‘The Ryan plan doles out tax
cuts for the wealthy and asks the
middle class to pick up the bill,”
Casey said in a statement.
“To pay for his tax cuts,
Chairman Ryan has no choice but
to eliminate or drastically reduce tax
benefits that help middle-class
families meet their health care needs,
pay for their homes, and save
for their retirement.’”
(Refers To Sen. Bob Casey, PA)
CBO: Paul Ryan’s GOP Budget
Would Massively Cut Medicare
and Medicaid
This is a huge cut in Medicare spending.
Since it does not contain proven
cost controls, this will likely
mean seniors will see big increases
in their health care spending and/or
substantially reduced care.
The Ryan plan calls for a massive
decrease in federal spending
on Medicaid with no indication
it would be made up by the states
or from lower costs. The most likely
outcome would be millions
losing access to basic health
insurance and many poor people
forced to pay even more
out of pocket to get care.
Ryan Budget Would Massively
Increase Costs for Senior Health Care
FDL Dayen
The whole CBO report is really damning.
The bottom line is that seniors would pay more
for less coverage. It’s not a reform plan, it’s a
cost-shifting plan. Public debt goes down as
private debt goes up. And if the senior can’t
afford coverage… tough. Find a friend.
From Truth-Out:
(Nothing Independently Verified)
Twelve Things You Should Know
About Vice Presidential Candidate
Paul Ryan
Meet Paul Ryan: Climate Denier,
Conspiracy Theorist, Koch Acolyte
Cheney-Style Upside Down Ticket?
"Four Defamations of the Apocalypse"
on Baker - Malpass Impasse
Mind you, Prof. Warren was
a Republican prior to 1995,
and is not a left ideologue.
Wall Street's Race to
the Bottom Elizabeth Warren
The Coming Collapse of
the Middle Class
Elizabeth Warren
False Comparisons With The
JFK Tax Cuts
Fed Chief Thomas Hoenig On
Why The Fed Is
See This and Simply
End The "Asymmetry"
Rates to Boost the Economy
(WSJ "Article Free Pass")
Bills Yielding Zero as Stocks Soar
Make 1938 Moment
Nov. 23 (Bloomberg)
‘Process of Reflation’
Near-Zero Rates Are Hurting the Economy
(WSJ "Article Free Pass")
Colorado's minimum wage
becomes 1st in US to drop State
minimum wage laws
A Nation's Goal Should Be A Strong
Currency And High Wages,
Reflecting A People's Worth.
Extractive Market Control
Results In The Above In The
Same Manner By Which A
Dangerously Pushy Driver In
The Middle Lane Will Ultimately
Take Out The Car To The
Left Or Right.
zerohedge as to to the jobless
claims statistical artificiality.
Jobless Claims Keep Getting Revised Up
WSJ, 4/5/2012, (article appears open access)
Jobs Report A Bust
Eddy Elfenbein, Crossingwallstreet.com,
Gary Shilling:
Bearish on the US economy;
calling for a crash
by way of creditwritedowns.com
The Real Reason Banks
Aren't Lending
Chuck Saletta, fool.com,
Dec. 30, 3009
"... there's an interesting "carry trade" going
on right now that only banks can access. The
Federal Reserve set the Federal Funds Rate
at around 0%, giving banks
an opportunity to borrow at essentially
no cost. But 10-year Treasury yields
-- the typical
proxies for mortgages -- are
around 3.8%. As a result, banks
can earn an essentially risk-free
3.8% borrowing from the Fed system
and lending to the Treasury, rather
than lending to risky borrowers like
you and me.... That's easy money
if you're a bank. With the Federal deficit
ballooning, the Treasury is certainly offering
the banks plenty of opportunity
to buy government bonds, rather than
take a risk on traditional lending..."
"...In fact, every time Uncle
Sam dictates that lenders have to
adjust the terms of their loans, or that
bondholders do not deserve their seat
at the table when an indebted company
files bankruptcy, it threatens to weaken
the debt market further. ..."
The Partisan Price of Justice:
An Empirical Analysis of Campaign
Contributions and Judicial Decisions
Michael S. Kang and Joanna Shephard
(Joanna Shephard-Bailey,)
Both Emory U. Sch. of Law
"...that elected judges are more
likely to decide in favor of
business interests as the amount
of campaign contributions
that they have received from
those interests increases. In other
words, every dollar of direct
contributions from business groups
is associated with an increase in the
probability that the judges will
vote for business litigants.
However, we find surprisingly
a statistically significant
relationship between campaign
contributions and judicial decisions
in favor of contributors’
interests only for judges elected
in partisan elections, not nonpartisan
ones. Our findings suggest an
important role of political parties
in connecting campaign contributions
to judicial decisions under
partisan elections.
Christopher Duquette & Steven Caudill &
Franklin Mixon, Jr., 2008.
impact of money on elections: evidence from
open seat races in the United States
House of Representatives, 1990-2004,"
Economics Bulletin, AccessEcon, vol.
4(2), pages 1-12. [Downloadable!]
Arizona Elections Influenced
By National Groups,
Outside Donors
Distant Donors a Big Factor in Ballot
Ronald J. Hansen,
azcentral.com, Oct. 24, 2010
Anthony Corrado,
a government professor and
campaign-finance expert at Colby College in
Waterville, Maine, said that in the 1980s,
national groups began to see ballot
measures as a less expensive way
to bring about influential changes.
Ritholtz on the Federal Reserve
and Bank of America
What if the Fed were a Bank?
Eisenbeis and Kotok, by way of Ritholtz
When the Fed buys MBS's,
even if it wereat market value
(they don't--they buy it
at bank-stated value,) you are indirectly
investing in debt assets in the middle of
a Fed-engineered nominal interest rate
environment. Besides trapping itself,
along with holding savers hostage,
it means you indirectly can only lose
money when rates rise. Debt assets
generally lose value as interest rates rise
as it requires less capital for
the equivalent return.
is unaware of any mechanism
preventing the banks from
repurchasing mortgage
securities at reduced cost.
Issa Investigates
1 , 2
(not independently verified)
The Paper Ignored By Your Most
Familiar Recent Economic Leaders
Lagarde Urges Greater Firewall Protection
by Way of the European Stability Mechanism
Some History of that "Firewall"
(Of course, European banks
could suck up their own mistakes
as assuredly as can American ones.
Bankruptcy is like falling off a cliff.
After the first 90 ft., it might as
well be for a mile. Plenty nations
have recap'd their major banks
after financial meltdowns.
The American / European
string pullers simply don't want
to get recapped.)
"French Sarkozy wants Europe trade,
border protection"
Disaster Relief Helps
The Incumbent
Stanford/Neil Malhotra
-1- -2 (pdf)-
Who Will Be No. 1 In College
Football And Basketball This Year?
Look To AP? UPI?
Dear Professors:
Next Up? The Economics Of
Crowdsourcing And Its
Surprising Validity?
The Economics
Of Intuition
Lagarde Urges Greater Firewall Protection
by Way of the European Stability Mechanism
Some History of that "Firewall"
(Of course, European banks
could suck up their own mistakes
as assuredly as can American ones.
Bankruptcy is like falling off a cliff.
After the first 90 ft., it might as
well be for a mile. Plenty nations
have recap'd their major banks
after financial meltdowns.
The American / European
string pullers simply don't want
to get recapped.)
"French Sarkozy wants Europe trade,
border protection"
Disaster Relief Helps
The Incumbent
Stanford/Neil Malhotra
-1- -2 (pdf)-
Who Will Be No. 1 In College
Football And Basketball This Year?
Look To AP? UPI?
Dear Professors:
Next Up? The Economics Of
Crowdsourcing And Its
Surprising Validity?
The Economics
Of Intuition
This Space Will Be Re-Populating.
This Space Will Be Re-Populating.
You Are Entering
Area 52 1/2,
A Website Test Zone